
Welcome to the wanderings and ponderings of my convoluted (and often polluted) mind.  I am choosing to write for many reasons.  If I had to share four reasons though they would be

a) Writing is therapeutic (and healthier than talking to myself).

b) Humanity and society is dependent upon expression, without expression and writing there could be no progress.

c) When I read ‘Fahrenheit 451’ the concept that burning books is the greatest crime really stuck with me.  I took out of that concept that destroying a written work is tantamount to destroying a piece of the authors essence and soul.  Therefore putting my words to paper is creating a window into who I am. Lets hope I do myself justice.

d) Typing in caps lock hurts less than shouting.

In all seriousness, this blog is a boutique of my thoughts and expressions.  What you choose to spend your time reading will hopefully be entertaining, captivating, but most importantly honest emotions or thoughts, processed, typed, and shared.  I am grateful that you choose to spend your time reading my drivel.

~Ezra G.


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